Mittwoch, 25. November 2009

Screenshots of MyTrainLog

So, my first Android Market Application is pubished.
Here yu find some additional screenshots of MyTrainLog.

The Mainscreen of MyTrainLog

After selecting Exercises, you will see the exercise-list:

Select an exercise to edit it. Or press options, new exercise:

Go back to Mainscreen and press Workouts:

Here you see all stored Workout Plans.
Add a new one via Options-New Workout, or
press hold on a workout plan to edit it:

Here you see the workout and set composer. You can edit a set via selecting it, or add a new one when you press Options: new set.

Here the set is shown with the associated exercises.
Add a new Exercise, delete one or rearrange the exercises.

Go back to Workout Plans and select one:

Here you see the trainings you have done with that particular workout plan.
Select a training, or add a new one via Options: new training:

Now you are able to do your workout. Hit finish after you put in the reps and weights you have done in the shown exercise.
A timer bar will signal you how long you should rest until next set.
In the bottom you see the last weight and reps data list of previous trainings.

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